Pt Chev Home Renovations Building Company Add Value To A Home

Pt Chev Home Renovations Builder


Pt Chev Home RenovationsDifferent people have different ideas about what home renovations means.  For some, it is a paint job, while for others, it involves ripping out the interior and starting afresh. In this article we will look at the big, rip-it-out type of Pt Chev home renovations, although you don’t always need to take out all of the existing internal structures.


We can break it down into two types of project:


  1. upgrading or modernising a single room, and
  2. major changes to the house itself.


Modernising a Single Room

1 Renovating a Kitchen

The room that most families want to have modernised is the kitchen.  It makes sense, especially in older houses which tend to have more rooms which means less usable space. The kitchen is also the room that adds most to a home’s value. It is also generally the most-used room in a house too.


If you are going to combine a kitchen and living room, as most people do these days, this is a big job and definitely needs the skills and experience of a qualified builder.  Even renovating a kitchen on its own without creating an open-plan living space, is big and complex enough to warrant using a trained, renovations building company.


Since the kitchen is the most important room when it comes to selling a home, you want to make sure that the kitchen renovation is done properly.


Uneven counter-tops, mis-hung cupboards, and appliances not fitting correctly, not only look bad, but they will also wear out much quicker. If you think you can save a few dollars by doing these jobs yourself, the repair, maintenance and retro-fitting costs will far outweigh the initial investment of hiring a qualified Pt Chev home renovations builder.


2 Renovating a Bathroom

Bathroom fixtures and fittings have changed significantly in recent years. The range of taps alone used to have a few to select from, but now there are hundreds of different styles, each with a vast range in price.


The same is true for showers, shower cabinets, heating, cabinetry, and lighting. All of these are expensive items so you want to make sure that they are installed properly to give you the best use, the highest added value, and the least maintenance work.


Plus there is the ever-present water. If you do not install these properly you run high risks of leaks and possible danger if it comes into contact with electricity. You might also invalidate your home insurance if you do not use a qualified builder or trade to renovate a bathroom.


Major Renovations to the House

People typically choose to have their house renovated for two reasons:

  1. It is old, not-well planned and needs a face-lift or
  2. They want more space.


The most common renovation projects are creating open-plan living spaces usually by integrating the kitchen and living room. You can also use modern building materials to save space by replacing other walls and re-organising the use of that space.


Renovating a home can range from creating an open-plan living space to adding new bedrooms, bathrooms, and even entertainment spaces. A major home renovation is limited by just two things – your budget, and your imagination.


It is surprising how much new usable space can be created within the existing footprint of a house. By clever design, modern materials and good workmanship, a house can be completely reconfigured into a totally new entity with effective home renovations.


When you are having a big renovation job done, it also gives you the opportunity to make better use of modern decorating materials and designs.  Many older homes are dark inside due to the materials, colours and the actual building itself. Good interior design, as part of a major house renovation, can create more light and the impression of bigger areas.


As the number of older people grows, rather than live on their own, or go to a rest-home, many are moving in with their children and grandchildren. To make life more convenient for everyone in the house, people look to have a granny-flat built.


We are also asked to look at creating games room, home theatres, music rooms, as well as more typical home renovating projects.


Which Pt Chev Home Renovations Builder Do You Choose?

It can be a daunting task looking for a renovations building company for Pt Chev area. There are so many builders to look at. However, at Fever Pitch, we have worked on numerous renovation projects, big and small.

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